Two more weeks to go!
2 down 2 more to go.. =)
AIS done yesterday, nex will be company reporting!
Hopefully everything goes well~
haha... yeap.. and now im here to blog!surprise?! haha.. dont think so..
went cycling with bunch of bestie monkey (jkjk) at taman wetland, putrajaya few weeks been lazy to update la.. sry la.. keke! don mind rite?
all of us are super duper tired after the cycling session! as theeng n i dono how to and jason have to use those double seats bicycle in order to fetch both of us.. heehee..
That nite, went over to kl for "tin kai pou".. quite nice.. not really spicy.. but kinda oily...
After our dinner, we went to pj to check out "the cave".. heehe.. the environment quite nice =)